Mozart to Constanze, Vienna 14[&15] October 1791

Yesterday, Thursday the 13th, Hofer drove out with me to see Carl [Mozart's seven-year-old son, then at a boarding school in Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien], we had lunch out there, then drove home, at 6 I picked up Salieri and Mme Cavalieri in my carriage and drove them to my box-I then hurried off to collect Mama and Carl, whom I'd left in the meantime with Hofer. -You can't imagine how kind they [Salieri and Cavalieri] were-and how much they liked not only my music but also the libretto and everything else. -They both said it was a grand opera worthy of being performed at the grandest festivities and before the greatest monarch and that they'd certainly be seeing it more than once as they'd never seen a more beautiful or delightful spectacle. -He listened and watched with the utmost attentiveness, and from the overture to the final chorus there wasn't a single number that didn't call forth a bravo or a bello from him, and they could barely thank me enough for my kindness. They'd always intended to go the opera yesterday. But they'd have needed to have been in their seats by 4-as it was, they saw and heard everything in comfort. -After the show I drove them home and had supper with Carl at Hofer's [...] It was no small treat for Carl to be taken to the opera.



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